Yoga and Tai Chi for back problems?

Arnold: I have taken yoga classes and Tai Chi classes and I am now 66 with back problems. Can you recommend a video or mp3 instruction that gives me cat/cow, pointer and other stretch and balance poses.

Susan: Thank you for your question. First of all, good for you in taking care of yourself with yoga and Tai Chi classes! I know that yoga can help your back, but you must first determine the source of your back problem so that you can deal with it effectively.

I would suggest that you consult with your health care practitioner, and find out what your back issue is, then we can see which yoga poses would help you the most.

Regarding a recommendation for a yoga video class, I can certainly recommend my Yoga for the Young at Heart Basic Series. It has the poses you refer to in one or all of the DVD classes. I can’t guarantee that they will help with your back problem until you let me know what the basic issue is, and then your doctor will be able to advise you as to what would be best for your particular situation.

I hope this helps!

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