What is the “system of yoga”?

Casey “The Boomer” Dowd (Fox Business News): What is meant by the “system of yoga”?

Susan: Yoga is referred to as a practice because there is no goal; every day is different and every yoga class is different because every day we are different. The word yoga means to yoke: to bring balance between opposing forces, it is finding balance between stress and repose and between effort and relaxation. It really is a body, mind and spiritual practice. So it can be any of these things depending on the student. A lot of people come to yoga looking for an inner spiritual guidance or a guru to follow. There are people who come to yoga for physical reasons. From a physical perspective, yoga addresses every system of the body: the nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, musculature and the bones, every part of the body’s physiology benefits from doing yoga.

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