What is basic yoga and how do I prepare to begin?

Casey “The Boomer” Dowd (Fox Business News): For baby boomers not familiar with basic yoga, what does a basic yoga session consist of and what preparation do we need prior to the session?

Susan: For a baby boomer the most important thing to start with is an open mind, just take your body and go to your yoga class. My suggestion is to go twice a week for a month before analyzing, judging or deciding whether you like it or not.

On a more practical than psychological level, dress comfortably in clothes that allow you to move. You need a yoga mat and they come in different thicknesses depending on which one makes you comfortable sitting on the floor. You may also need a belt or a strap to help you reach your toes or stretch your legs. Every yoga instructor is different, so find a teacher  that is inspiring and makes you feel good about yourself. Don’t be competitive, there is no competition in yoga, there will always be someone ahead of you and someone behind you. Be gentle with yourself, take it easy and just coax your body lovingly in and out of the poses. Yoga is about relaxing and accepting yourself just exactly where you are in the moment.

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